Courses I've Taken at ESU, by Subject
Computer Science
- Intro To Computer Programming II
- Intro To Computer Organization
- Programming Principles and Practice
- Intro to Assembler Programming
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Computer Security I
- Operating System Concepts and Design
- Programming Languages
- Networking and Data Communications
- Issues in the Practice of Computer Science
- Internet and Web Programming
- Real Time Systems
- Database Systems
- Software Engineering
- Independent Study: Honors Thesis
- Calculus II
- Discrete Mathematical Structures
- Multivariate Calculus
- Statistics I
- Linear Algebra
- Physics I
- Physics II
- Basic Electronics
Other Subjects
- English Composition
- University Studies / First Year Experience
- Intro to Communication
- Principles of Macroeconomics
- Health Promotion and Wellness
- Advanced Composition
- Intro to Global Politics
- Classical Mythology
- Introduction to Art
- Physical Geology
- History of Rock and Jazz
- General Psychology